Human Resource Management
Author: Vinay V. Prabhu
Bharat M. Pithadia
Unit | Topics |
1 | Framework of Human Resource Management: |
¨ Introduction to HRM, Nature of HRM, Scope of HRM, Functions and Objectives of HRM, HRM Policies and Practices, Role and Functions of HR Manager (in Banking and Insurance Sector)
¨ HRM and Strategies, Strategic function of HRM, Understanding and Implementing Global Competitiveness and HR, strategic HR, Linkages of organizational and HR Strategies. |
2 | HR Procurement: |
¨ Job Analysis and Design, Job Analysis, Introduction, Importance, Purpose, Benefits, Job Evaluation, Competency Based Job Analysis.
¨ Job Design, Introduction, Characteristics, Factor Affecting Job Design, Job Satisfaction. |
3 | HR Planning and Recruitment: |
¨ Definition, Objectives, Need and Importance of HR Planning, Preparing Manpower Inventory. Promotions and Transfers.
¨ Recruitment, Strategic Approach to Recruitment, Recruitment Source; Internal and External, Selection Procedure. |
4 | Training and Development: |
¨ Employee Training and Development, Nature and Process of Training, Training methods, On the job, Off the job.
¨ Management Development Program, Performance Appraisal, Definition, Methods. Advantages and Limitations of Appraisal. |
5 | Compensation: |
¨ Meaning, Need and Importance, Current Trends in Compensation, Team Based Incentives, Pension Schemes with Reference to Banking and Insurance, Fringe Benefits, Perquisites, Allowances and other Non – Monetary Benefits.
¨ Voluntary Retirement Scheme, Concept, Types, Needs, Effects with reference to Banking and Insurance. ¨ Participative Management: Meaning, Levels, Types, Employee Welfare, Comparative Study of Working Conditions in Banks, Financial Institutions, Insurance Company. |